【イベントレポート】G5 松島宿泊研修(10/26~10/28)
G5 students had a previous time with peers at Matsushima Shizennoie. Campfire, making a plate with burned wood plate, cooking outside, etc. They all did a great job!
They also engaged with the "Beach Clean". This experience helped students understand how we share the planet and how important we have "respect" toward nature.
Here are some positive feedback comments from parents.
Here are some positive feedback comments from parents.
- 3日間大変良い経験ができたと思います。自分たちで食事を作ったり、サイクリングをしたりと、本当に充実した内容だったと感じます。
- 今までにない人や環境を通して学ぶことも多かったと思うのでこれからの成長も楽しみです。