ELC Online Open House and Trial Lesson (Mini Lesson) Day Event Information
Horizon Japan International School Sendai will be holding an online open house and trial lesson event (mini-lesson day) as scheduled below. Please book your seat to join these events. We kindly ask you to book your seat as soon as possible since we have only a limited number of seats for the trial lesson.
★オンライン学校説明会 Online Open House
【日時 Date and Time】
■9月 September
1(木 Thursday)10:00-11:30※終了しました15(木 Thursday)10:00-11:30※終了しました29(木 Thursday)10:00-11:30※終了しました
■10月 October
11(火 Tuesday)10:00-11:30※終了しました
【場所 Venue】
【対象 Best for】
- 2022年度中の入学をお考えの方
- 2023年度4月入学(年少・年中・年長)をお考えの方
- 2023年度5月以降の満3歳児入学をお考えの方
- 2024年度以降にホライゾン学園仙台小学校への入学をご検討頂いている方
- Families who want to start school in this year
- Families who want to start school from April 2023 as a Preschool/Pre-K/Kindergarten class student
- Families who want to start school after May 2023 as an Age 3 student
- Families who want to enroll in Horizon Sendai Primary School in 2024 or future
【内容 Contents】
Introduce our school, our goal, vision, learning at Horizon, and our school facilities. (all presentations will be done in Japanese.)
★体験入学会(ミニレッスンデイ)Trial Lesson (Mini-lesson Day)
2022年10月15日(土)9:30-11:30(9:00より入場開始) ※受付を終了しましたSaturday, October 15, 2022, 9:30-11:30 (Doors open at 9:00)
- 感染防止対策のため、少人数で実施します。(1教室あたり幼児6名・付き添いの保護者の方各1名まで入室可)
- 今年度最後の体験入学会となります。新型コロナウィルス感染症対策のため、体験入学会以外の日の体験は受入れを中止しておりますので、ご興味のある方は是非、この機会にイベントへの参加をご検討ください。
- 6月のミニレッスンデイイベントと内容は同じです。
- As a part of COVID-19 measures, we will make a small group of participants. (Only 6 kids and 1 parent/guardian for each kid)
- This is the last trial lesson event of this year. We strongly recommend you to join this event if you are interested in our school because there will be no other chances to experience our lessons at school.
- The content of the mini-lesson will be the same as last time.