Admission Information of ELC for 2019-2020 Enrolment
Please find English text below Japanese text.
・Preschool 3(年少) 20名程度
・Preschool 4(年中) 募集なし(※)
・Kindergarten(年長) 若干名
※2019年度のPreschool 4クラスは入学予定者が定員に達しているため新規入学生の募集は行いませんが、定員に空きが出た場合にご案内可能な「キャンセル待ちリスト」への登録、および、2020年度4月よりKindergartenクラスへの入学を希望される方の「予約」を受け付けます。
※Preschool 2クラス1月入学希望者、Preschool 3クラス4月入学者のみ上記の日程で観察・面接を実施します。その他の学年については、11月中の任意の日(平日)に観察・面接を実施します。
Admission Information of ELC for 2019-2020 Enrolment
Please find English text below Japanese text.
・Preschool 3(年少) 20名程度
・Preschool 4(年中) 募集なし(※)
・Kindergarten(年長) 若干名
※2019年度のPreschool 4クラスは入学予定者が定員に達しているため新規入学生の募集は行いませんが、定員に空きが出た場合にご案内可能な「キャンセル待ちリスト」への登録、および、2020年度4月よりKindergartenクラスへの入学を希望される方の「予約」を受け付けます。
※Preschool 2クラス1月入学希望者、Preschool 3クラス4月入学者のみ上記の日程で観察・面接を実施します。その他の学年については、11月中の任意の日(平日)に観察・面接を実施します。
We're happy to make an announcement about our admission information for the academic year of 2019-2020.
(1)Pre 3 and K students in the year of 2019-2020
Who can apply?
・Preschool 2 (Age3) applicants for January 2019 Enrolment
・Preschool 3 applicants for April 2019 Enrolment
・Kindergarten applicants for April 2019 Enrolment
Application Period
November 1, 2018 ~ November 8, 2018
Observation & Interview Date
Saturday, November 17, 2018
*We accept all application forms if you submit your application documents during the application period. We make the decision of acceptance based on the result of observation and interview.
*Only Preschool 2 applicants and 2019 Preschool 3 applicants have observation and interview as scheduled above. Applicants for other grades will have observation and interview on weekdays upon arrangement.
*In case we still have the place(s) after application period shown above, we accept more applications at any time.
*If we receive more applications than our capacity, we will only accept applications for the waiting list. In this case, observation and interview date will be arranged when the place is available.
(2)Families whose child will be Preschool 4 age from April 2019
Please submit application documents to the office for the registration of a waiting list and reservation for next year.
Application Period
Number of Recruitment
About 10 students (For both waiting list and reservation for the 2020-2021)
Observation/Interview Date
1)If you are on the waiting list
・Arrangement will be made upon the availability of the class
2)Kindergarten Applicants of the 2020-2021 year
・in November 2019
・At the time of enrolment to Kindergarten 2020 class, students who were in the Preschool 4 waiting list will be given priority.
We're happy to make an announcement about our admission information for the academic year of 2019-2020.
Number of Recruitment
・Preschool 3 about 20 students
・Preschool 4 0*
・Kindergarten Few
※Preschool 4 class in the 2019-2020 year is already full. We only accept applications for the waiting list and enrolment in Kindergarten class in 2020-2021.
・Preschool 3 about 20 students
・Preschool 4 0*
・Kindergarten Few
※Preschool 4 class in the 2019-2020 year is already full. We only accept applications for the waiting list and enrolment in Kindergarten class in 2020-2021.
When to Apply
The application period is different depending on when you want your child to start school.**********************************
(1)Pre 3 and K students in the year of 2019-2020
Who can apply?
・Preschool 2 (Age3) applicants for January 2019 Enrolment
・Preschool 3 applicants for April 2019 Enrolment
・Kindergarten applicants for April 2019 Enrolment
Application Period
November 1, 2018 ~ November 8, 2018
Observation & Interview Date
Saturday, November 17, 2018
*We accept all application forms if you submit your application documents during the application period. We make the decision of acceptance based on the result of observation and interview.
*Only Preschool 2 applicants and 2019 Preschool 3 applicants have observation and interview as scheduled above. Applicants for other grades will have observation and interview on weekdays upon arrangement.
*In case we still have the place(s) after application period shown above, we accept more applications at any time.
*If we receive more applications than our capacity, we will only accept applications for the waiting list. In this case, observation and interview date will be arranged when the place is available.
(2)Families whose child will be Preschool 4 age from April 2019
Please submit application documents to the office for the registration of a waiting list and reservation for next year.
Application Period
Number of Recruitment
About 10 students (For both waiting list and reservation for the 2020-2021)
Observation/Interview Date
1)If you are on the waiting list
・Arrangement will be made upon the availability of the class
2)Kindergarten Applicants of the 2020-2021 year
・in November 2019
・At the time of enrolment to Kindergarten 2020 class, students who were in the Preschool 4 waiting list will be given priority.
・If the number of applicants for Kindergarten 2020 class exceed the capacity, students will be registered to Kindergarten 2020 waiting list.
Please feel free to contact us via Contact Form to get more detailed admission information and an application form. You can get them via mail OR at our Open House on Saturday, October 20, 2018.
Please feel free to contact us via Contact Form to get more detailed admission information and an application form. You can get them via mail OR at our Open House on Saturday, October 20, 2018.
・Open House Reservation Form (Saturday, October 20, 2018)
We're looking forward to meeting many of you soon!
We're looking forward to meeting many of you soon!