Term 2 Begins!
今学期は、幼稚部生・小学生ともにSports DayやField Trip等、1年の中で最も忙しくも楽しいイベントが目白押しの学期となります。
さらに小学生は、今年度2回目となるInqruiy Month(探究型学習月間)で集中的に探究型学習テーマに取り組む他、School Performance(学芸会)も行います。
また、幼稚部では10月1日から、満3歳児クラスの受け入れ先となるPreschool 2クラスが開講となる予定です。
The term 2 just starts today after long summer holidays.
Students will have various big school events like Sports Day, Field Trip and etc. We believe this term will be the busiest term for both students and staff, but a very fun term at the same time.
As we did in a term 1, Primary students will have the Inquiry Month in October to concentrate on the theme works. In November, they'll have the School Performance, too.
ELC will open Preschool 2 class from October 1st and we will have some students coming for their journey of English Immersion Education.
For the potential students in the 2019-2020 academic year, this coming October is the time when they can apply for their new school life from April 2019.
The experience students gain through ELC ages and Primary ages will certainly become a life asset for them.
We're looking forward to having many new Horizon families from next Spring!