10月1日開講 Preschool 2(満3歳児)クラス入学生の募集について

Accepting Applications for Preschool 2 Class (Open from October 1st, 2018)

Preschool 2クラスの入学生募集について、「幼稚部ー入学案内」のページを更新しました。

Preschool 2クラスは、春からのPreschool 3(年少)クラスの準備クラスとしてオープンします。
Preschool 2入学生の子どもたちは、春からPreschool 3に進級します。

例年、Preschool 3クラスの定員に空きがある場合は、満3歳児のお子様をPreschool 3クラスにて受け入れていましたが、昨年度よりPreschool 3クラスが定員・キャンセル待ちが出る状況になってきたため、満3歳児のお子様の受け入れ先として、秋からのPreschool 2クラスを開講しています。


この夏にトイレトレーニングを頑張って、秋からのPreschool 2に参加しませんか?

We have updated the ELC Admission Information page for the recruitment of Preschool 2 class students.
We were planning to open Preschool 2 from August 30th, however, we could not have enough number of applicants who can join Preschool 2 from this summer. Thus, we decide to open the Preschool 2 class from October 1st, 2018.

Preschool 2 class will be opened as a preparation class for next year.
Students in Preschool 2 class will go on to Preschool 3 from April 2019.

We used to accept Preschool 2 students in Preschool 3 class when we have places for students. However, Preschool 3 class is now full and have no place for Preschool 2 applicants. This is the reason why we decide to open Preschool 2 class for those who send their child to an English immersion school with an international atmosphere and various hands-on activities that guide child's curiosity and wide their world.

We're looking forward to meeting many of you from this October!
Please visit our "ELC Admission Information Page" from the link below for more details.