School will be opened at 10:30 on Tuesday, January 23rd due to heavy snow. 大雪にともなう交通障害が見込まれるため、本日の開校時間は10:30からとなります。 スクールバスも2時間遅れで運行しますが、大幅な遅れが見込まれます。 お子様を送迎される保護者の方は、10:30までに登校してください。 皆様のご理解とご協力の程、よろしくお願い致します。 School will start with a delay of two hours at 10:30am. School bus time will be 2 hours later than usual. (if you use bus at 7:30, your bus time will be 9:30.) Please be informed that school bus may arrive late to your spot due to traffic jam. If you drive with your child to school, please come to school by 10:30. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please be safe on the snowy road.